simfinapi - Accessing 'SimFin' Data
Through simfinapi, you can intuitively access the 'SimFin' Web-API (<https://www.simfin.com/>) to make 'SimFin' data easily available in R. To obtain an 'SimFin' API key (and thus to use this package), you need to register at <https://app.simfin.com/login>.
Last updated 11 months ago
6.08 score 19 stars 21 scripts 419 downloadssdcLog - Tools for Statistical Disclosure Control in Research Data Centers
Tools for researchers to explicitly show that their results comply to rules for statistical disclosure control imposed by research data centers. These tools help in checking descriptive statistics and models and in calculating extreme values that are not individual data. Also included is a simple function to create log files. The methods used here are described in the "Guidelines for the checking of output based on microdata research" by Bond, Brandt, and de Wolf (2015) <https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/system/files/dwb_standalone-document_output-checking-guidelines.pdf>.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.21 score 3 stars 12 scripts 315 downloads