--- title: "Introduction to sdcLog" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true toc_depth: 5 number_sections: false vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to sdcLog} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" # , # tidy = TRUE, # tidy.opts = list( # indent = 2L, # width.cutoff = 95L, # wrap = TRUE # ) ) user_options <- options() options(width = 93) options(knitr.kable.NA = "") options(sdc.info_level = 1L) options(datatable.print.keys = FALSE) options(datatable.print.class = FALSE) library(sdcLog) library(knitr) library(skimr) ``` # Overview This vignette introduces the sdcLog package and its main functions, illustrated with various examples. sdcLog provides tools which simplify statistical disclosure control in the context of research data centers (RDC). The package includes four main functions: - `sdc_descriptives()`: This function is used for statistical disclosure control of descriptive statistics. It checks the data used for the calculation of descriptive statistics for compliance with the rules and regulations set by the RDC. The calculation of simple extreme values such as minimum and maximum is usually not allowed according to RDC rules, so `sdc_descriptives()` cannot be used to check them. Extreme values can only be used if they are calculated with `sdc_min_max()`. - `sdc_min_max()`: This function is used for the automatic calculation of extreme values according to the rules of the RDC (if possible). It uses the available data and calculates the values for desired variables and groupings in compliance with the rules. The values are calculated as averages of a sufficient number of distinct entities. This helps the researcher to easily follow the rules and simplifies the output control. - `sdc_model()`: This function is used for statistical disclosure control for various types of models such as `lm()` or `glm()`. It checks the calculated model and the underlying data for compliance with the rules and regulations of the RDC. - `sdc_log()`: This function is a simple wrapper around `source()` which makes it easy to run scripts and capture all output (especially output from the other `sdc_*` functions) in a log file. Usually, this should be used to source R scripts containing one or more of the functions above. # sdc_descriptives() This function performs statistical disclosure control according to two main criteria: On the one hand, it checks for a sufficiently large number of different statistical entities. On the other hand, it checks for dominance, which means that two entities must not account for more than 85 percent of the observed values. How to use `sdc_descriptives()` is shown below. ## Data To introduce `sdc_descriptives()`, a simple toy dataset is used. There are 20 observations of 10 distinct entities from two different sectors and values in the years 2019 and 2020 for the variables `val_1` and `val_2`. ```{r test_data_descriptives} data("sdc_descriptives_DT") sdc_descriptives_DT ``` ## Simple cases Consider the case that the mean for `val_1` has been calculated and is now to be output as a result:[^1] [^1]: Since sdcLog heavily relies on `data.table`, all examples will use `data.table` syntax as well. ```{r descriptives_simple_case} sdc_descriptives_DT[, .(mean = mean(val_1, na.rm = TRUE))] ``` Before this result can be released, it must be checked whether all RDC rules for calculating this value have been followed. Thus, the underlying data is checked for compliance with the RDC rules. This is the simplest case, the descriptive statistic (mean) was calculated for the variable `val_1` without further specifications. Required arguments of `sdc_descriptives()` are the data set (`data`), the ID variable (`id_var`) and the variable for which the statistics were calculated (`val_var`): ```{r descriptives_simple} sdc_descriptives(data = sdc_descriptives_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_1") ``` Since there are no problems at this point, the function runs without warnings and returns (invisibly) a list of information containing options, settings and the checked criteria `distinct_ids` and `dominance`. Options and settings are always printed to show that all specifications are set according to RDC rules. From the output above follows that there are at least 5 distinct entities required (`sdc.n_ids: 5`) and that dominance is defined as 2 entities (`sdc.n_ids_dominance: 2`) with a value share of more than 85 percent (`sdc.share_dominance: 0.85`). This reflects the standard values for the options. For details on setting options see the [separate vignette on options](options.html). The settings show again which arguments were specified in the function call and vary depending on the `sdc_function`. This is important if the result from `sdc_descriptives()` is not printed right away. ## Grouped descriptive statistics using by In this and the following section some advanced cases are presented to introduce more arguments and functionalities of `sdc_descriptives()`. In this case the descriptive statistics for the variable `val_1` are grouped by `sector`: ```{r descriptives_by_case} sdc_descriptives_DT[, .(mean = mean(val_1, na.rm = TRUE)), by = "sector"] ``` The mean is computed grouped by sector, so the grouping variable must be specified in `by`. Checking the results leads to the following: ```{r, descriptives_by} sdc_descriptives(data = sdc_descriptives_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_1", by = "sector") ``` The grouped descriptive statistics by sector do not generate a warning and therefore comply with RDC rules. Therefore, the results could be released in this case. In order to extend this case even further, it is now proposed to group the mean of `val_1` not only by `sector`, but also by `year`: ```{r descriptives_byby_case} sdc_descriptives_DT[, .(mean = mean(val_1, na.rm = TRUE)), by = c("sector", "year")] ``` To check this result for compliance with RDC rules, use: ```{r descriptives_byby} sdc_descriptives( data = sdc_descriptives_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_1", by = c("sector", "year") ) ``` Now several warnings appear, as both criteria are violated. For sector `S1` there are not enough distinct ids in year 2019, as there is a missing value in the data. The dominance criterion for year 2020 is violated in both sectors. As can be seen in the table displayed, the value share of approximately 88 percent for `S1` and 91 percent for `S2` are above the 85 percent limit. Therefore, the descriptive statistics for `val_1`, grouped by `sector` and `year` cannot be released. ## Handling zeros using zero_as_NA Now, descriptive statistics are calculated for variable `val_2` and grouped by sector and year: ```{r descriptives_zero_case} sdc_descriptives_DT[, .(mean = mean(val_2, na.rm = TRUE)), by = c("sector", "year")] ``` The compliance with the rules can be checked just as in the previous case (only replacing `val_1` by `val_2`): ```{r descriptives_zero} sdc_descriptives( data = sdc_descriptives_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_2", by = c("sector", "year") ) ``` The result indicates that problems exist and the output does not comply to the rules. There are not enough distinct entities and the output cannot be released like this. An additional message indicates that the value `0` occurs rather frequently in the data (20 percent of all cases). The message indicates that `0` is assumed to represent missing values and will be treated as such. Please note that even if `0`s are actual `0`s in the data, this assumption might be correct in the context of statistical disclosure control. For example, if most of the cases are `0`, it might be known publicly which entities do not have a value of `0` for this specific variable. So treating those `0` as `NA` is correct in this context. Since this is the more defensive interpretation of `0`s, it's the default. However, it might be the case that it is accurate according to the data basis to treat values of `0` as zero (instead of `NA`). Then, specifying the argument `zero_as_NA = FALSE` circumvents the default behavior and treats `0` like other numeric values: ```{r descriptives_zerozero} sdc_descriptives( data = sdc_descriptives_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_2", by = c("sector", "year"), zero_as_NA = FALSE ) ``` Now `0` is not recognized as `NA` anymore. In this case the criterion of distinct entities is not longer violated. Therefore, the output could be released (assuming it is actually correct to treat `0`s as usual numeric values). # sdc_min_max() This function automatically calculates extreme values that comply with the rules of the RDC. It checks the criteria of distinct entities and dominance. The values are calculated as averages of a sufficiently large number of observations. It is based on an iterative procedure that aggregates data until there are enough distinct entities to calculate the extreme values and no problems with dominance occur. The function always starts the iteration process with the lowest possible number of observations for each extreme value (here `5`, since at least five distinct statistical units must be included in the calculation according to the rules of the RDC). Furthermore, the function checks that the subsets of data for minimum and maximum do not overlap. If there are no problems with the calculation, the function returns a `data.table` with the extreme values. Maximum and minimum are always output together, none of the two can be calculated separately. If it is not possible to calculate extreme values under these criteria, a corresponding message is printed and the result is filled with `NA`. ## Data To introduce `sdc_min_max()`, another simple dataset is used. We have 20 observations of 10 different entities, for which the corresponding sector is given and values for the variables `val_1`, `val_2`, `val_3` in the years 2019 and 2020, respectively. ```{r test_data_extreme} data("sdc_min_max_DT") sdc_min_max_DT ``` ## Simple cases In this simple case, extreme values should be calculated for variable `val_1`. This can be done with `sdc_min_max()` by specifying the dataset (`data`), the id variable (`id_var`) and the variable for which extreme values are to be calculated (`val_var`). ```{r extreme_simple} sdc_min_max(data = sdc_min_max_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_1") ``` Since no problems occur, the function (invisibly) returns a list with the options, settings and extreme values and prints the calculated extreme values. As shown in the output, the extreme values could be calculated and 5 distinct entities were used for each value. Thus, no additional entities had to be included in the calculation. ## Limiting the number of observations included in minimum and maximum using max_obs In this case minimum and maximum values are to be calculated for variable `val_2`: ```{r extreme_n1} sdc_min_max(data = sdc_min_max_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_2") ``` When we look at the output, we see that values from 5 distinct entities were used to calculate the minimum and 7 distinct entities to calculate the maximum. This is because the dominance criterion would be violated if only 5 distinct entities were considered for the maximum. Thus, 7 distinct entities are automatically taken into account. If you specify `max_obs = 5`, there is no feasible solution: ```{r extreme_n2} sdc_min_max(data = sdc_min_max_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_2", max_obs = 5) ``` Note that `max_obs` controls the maximum number of observations, not distinct entities. ## Minimum and maximum values by groups It is also possible to calculate minimum and maximum values by groups. In the following, these are calculated by `year` and `sector`, separately. ```{r exterme_by1} sdc_min_max(data = sdc_min_max_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_1", by = "year") sdc_min_max(data = sdc_min_max_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_1", by = "sector") ``` No problems occur, so minimum and maximum values are calculated and shown for each group. This can also be done for several grouping variables. In the following, extreme values for variable `val_1` are to be calculated by `year` and `sector`. ```{r} res <- sdc_min_max( data = sdc_min_max_DT, id_var = "id", val_var = "val_1", by = c("sector", "year") ) ``` Now a message occurs, explaining that RDC rules would be violated for the calculation of these values. For programming purposes, please note that the structure of the resulting `data.table` remains the same (but is filled with `NA`: ```{r extreme_by3} # extreme_vals res ``` # sdc_model() This function checks if your model complies to RDC rules. The criterion of distinct entities is also checked here. In addition, it is checked whether there are enough different entities for each attribute or value level. For continuous variables, `sdc_model()` distinguishes between `` and `` values. The function can be used to check a broad range of models like `lm`, `glm` and various others. In fact, anything which can be handled by `broom::augment()` can also be handled by `sdc_model()`. For a list of supported models see `?generics::augment`. ## Data & models To introduce `sdc_model()`, another dataset with different variables is used, which includes dummy-variables. We have 80 observations of 10 different entities for the variables `y`, `x_1`, `x_2`, `x_3`, `x_4` and additional information on sector, year and country (dummy variables). A summary of the data set is given below. ```{r model_data} data("sdc_model_DT") print(skim(sdc_model_DT)) ``` Various simple linear models are specified from this dataset for illustration purposes. ```{r model_models} model_1 <- lm(y ~ x_1 + x_2, data = sdc_model_DT) model_2 <- lm(y ~ x_1 + x_2 + x_3, data = sdc_model_DT) model_3 <- lm(y ~ x_1 + x_2 + dummy_1 * dummy_2, data = sdc_model_DT) model_4 <- lm(y ~ x_1 + x_2 + dummy_1 * dummy_3, data = sdc_model_DT) ``` These models are now checked for compliance with the rules of the RDC. It is checked if there are enough distinct entities in the whole model and if every level of each variable is checked for compliance with the rules. A selection of problematic and unproblematic models has been made to better explain the differences. To check for compliance, the model object (`model`), the data used (`data`) and the ID variable (`id_var`) must be specified in `sdc_model()`. ## Simple cases A check of `model_1` and `model_3` is shown below. ```{r model_simple} sdc_model(data = sdc_model_DT, model = model_1, id_var = "id") sdc_model(data = sdc_model_DT, model = model_3, id_var = "id") ``` As we see, there are no problems and the models could be released as output. Note that `sdc_log()` supports the interaction term in `model_3`. ## Problematic cases Now we turn to the problematic cases. We are checking the models `model_2` and `model_4`: ```{r model_prob1} sdc_model(data = sdc_model_DT, model = model_2, id_var = "id") ``` Some difficulties occur with these models, but which? `model_2` leads to problems with the number of distinct entities. This problem arises with the inclusion of variable `x_3` due to a high number of `NA`s. ```{r model_prob2} sdc_model(data = sdc_model_DT, model = model_4, id_var = "id") ``` For `model_4` the problem stems from a small number of distinct entities for the value level `FR` of `dummy_3`. This also leads to a problem in the interaction term. Therefore the respective coefficients cannot be released either. Please note that this last case is probably the most common problem to occur when checking models. # sdc_log() This function serves to create Stata-like log files from R Scripts. The function is called to wrap an R script containing your analysis to write the corresponding code and console output into a log file. It can handle single files or a list of files at once. A character vector containing the path(s) of the R script(s) which should be run must be specified as well as a character vector containing the path(s) of the text file(s) where the log(s) should be stored. To replace existing log files, one can specify the argument `replace = TRUE`. A simple call of this function could look as follows: ```{r eval = FALSE} sdc_log( r_scripts = "/home/my_project/R/my_script.R", log_files = "/home/my_project/log/my_script.txt" ) ``` Even though this seems trivial, creating logs for scripts is essential because a log file bundles all information needed by the RDC for output control. ```{r reset options, include=FALSE} options(user_options) ```